Saturday, May 21, 2011

Our latest winner...

We reached 300 followers last night - so a name was picked at random to win a painting this morning.
Congratulations to Julie Hill - the latest winner!

Julie: see the "painting winner instructions" at the bottom of my sidebar.
Everyone else: There will be another painting give-away at 400 followers - please spread the word and we'll get there faster :)


  1. So excited to win a Jane Hunt off to choose, it will be tough I am sure....they are all so fabulous.

  2. I was so fortunate to win a Julie Hill painting myself quite awhile back. It is a treasure and so I am glad she will also have one of my favorite artist's pieces! Congrats, Julie!

  3. Thanks Julie - it's always interesting to see which paintings other artists will pick...

    Sherry - That's awesome you won one of Julie's beautiful pieces! You've been so supportive, and in every drawing from the start - I hope to pull your name out at 400!

  4. Thank you so much, Jane. I would so love that!!
