Wednesday, March 10, 2010

short hiatus

Those of you who've been reading for a while know I spend most of my time dealing with my little one's disabilities and epilepsy. I don't talk about it a ton here because I see my blog as a place to focus on art and escape for a little while. Needless to say, I've been struggling to "do it all", and just can't pull it off right now. We have some important medical decisions to make that I need to focus even more time and energy on. I'm sad because I would much, much rather be painting than reading neurology journals - but, c'est la vie!
I hope to be back in a few weeks. Thanks for the continued support - I hope you'll all bear with me.


  1. You KNOW we will Jane. You are doing what is important first...we miss you, but are with you!! We will be here when you have a moment to come back!!

  2. You are doing the right thing, will keep you in prayer for wisdom.

  3. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, Jane. As a mom I can imagine how hard this all is for you and how much it hurts to see your little one go through all of this. I am so glad to know that you can escape, at least once in a while, into your work. I will miss you and your paintings.

  4. Some priorities must not be ignored. Best wishes for finding a path through this that brings you confidence in your decisions, and a favorable outcome.

  5. Sending good thoughts your way.

  6. Thanks for letting us know about the difficult times. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers

  7. I appreciate each and every one of your kind comments more than you can imagine!

  8. God be with you Jane. Our prayers are certainly with you too.

  9. So sorry for you and your little one. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours. Hugs.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. It occurred to me that I had not seen any of your work lately so I came over to your blog. Now I know you have caring for your little one. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. I pray that God guides you. I will be here when you return to those fabulous paintings.


  13. Hope that all is well crossing my fingers for the little one and the family.Be strong!

  14. I just found your blogand I took time to look at past entries. I wish you well and hope all goes well for you and yours. I am going to follow your blog and I will wait patiently in the hope of hearing good news.

  15. hope all is well with your baby!

  16. Thank you all for your kind comments!
    Medical issues with my little one continue to be a daily struggle - I perhaps need to make peace with the fact that it may be a lifelong challenge.
    Meanwhile, I've missed painting (and my blogger friends:)) and will just have to paint as I can, and hope for the best.

  17. I enjoy your paintings very much. I too have epilepsy so I understand what you are going through. It is hard on my family. But I Love them and it has brought me closer to God. I will pray for you and your little one.

  18. Thanks Donna for your kind comment! I'm sorry to hear about anyone suffering w/ epilepsy - it's so bewildering and scary.
    It's nice to "meet" you here. I notice you're originally from Cleveland - I lived there for many years myself!
