Thursday, January 20, 2011


Textured Acrylic on Panel 48" x 24"
click on image to enlarge

“If you could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.”
- Edward Hopper



  1. Oooooh, love the negative shapes between trees and ground!

    Hope Studios weekend #1 went well!

  2. I can almost smell that certain scent of autumn in the air! What a beautiful piece, Jane! We received our oak tree and just cannot stop looking at it! We are trying to figure the best way to corner mount it by my others (without damaging it or the walls), so for now it sits in my studio where I can gaze up on it in reverie! By the by, I did take a photo of my JH Gallery in situ...Now to upload it from the camera! LOL

  3. This is lovely. I always click on your images to see the larger versions in all their textured detail. As always, the play between the textures and colors is wonderful.

  4. The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery. Francis Bacon

  5. Thanks, Tracey - It did go well!

    Sherry - thanks! I'm so glad it arrived safely. I look forward of seeing the pic of them all together sometime.

    Thank-you, Don :)
    I'm so glad for that feature because they really do look different close up!

    Thanks David - great quote!

  6. This is a very moving the light under the trees.

  7. Jane - I love looking a your daily paintings and reading your newsletters. The simplicity and the beauty of your paintings just make me smile! Do you always work in just this style? Sue
